·      Serves 4 ·


·        6-8oz / 150g-200g fresh,
         cooked prawns

·        8-12 crisp lettuce leaves, torn up

·        2oz / 50g sliced radish

·        2oz / 50g sliced onion

·        4 tbsp olive oil

·        1 tbsp white wine vinegar

·        generous dash of TABASCO®
         Jalapeno Sauce

·        juice of 1/2 lemon

·        salt and pepper to taste

1.    Combine prawns, lettuce, radish and onions in a bowl.

2.    Prepare vinaigrette by whisking olive oil, white wine vinegar, TABASCO® Jalapeno Sauce and lemon juice together in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3.    Pour vinaigrette over salad, put into the fridge for a short time to cure before you offer.


Questions? Favourite recipe? Information? Any correction to my English text
(I am Hungarian, so anything could happen in my text, especially in my translation,
please don't hesitate to correct my errors, I like learning!).
Send an E-Mail for me using the letter sign on the first page.